Tuesday, October 30, 2007

When children are of at a young age they before writing they draw pictures to show meanning, as they can not yet comprehend words. A two year old for example might draw a funny shape circle with three dots representing their eyes and nose. Normally to represent their arms and legs children will use sticks. This picture will rerpresent them and most commonly their closet kin. When students reach a certain age they will start to use I and me and move away from drawings and the alphabet cultural code will start to become accepted. The child needs to keep thinking back to designing and creating, as design has meaning to the invidual and is used for representation of things.

Literacy and design and are co- in sided togther. We need to teach our children about the rules, codes and exsisting ideas and ask them questions to get them crtically thinking about it this is the passive side of things. On the other side it active, children need to me taught how to adapt, become creative and the big mian one is re use a design to make it meaning and ourposeful to them by adding elements that reflect them.

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