Sunday, November 4, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
This photo is an image from Gunther Kress's paper on Reading Images; Multimodality, Representation and New Madia. I find this image to be a very powerful image and is very effective. Kress is a professor of Education/English at the institude of Educations, University of London. Multimodality links to oral, visual and written. Gunther Kress talks about this in his paper and the representation images and meaning they portray. He also looks at how different codes or signs can have different meanings by however the user wishes to use it. He talks about about how different social meanings are specific to a particular culture. To view more on what Gunther Kress has to say about image and design click the link below and have a good read as i think that there is alot more to deisgn than people think.
In relation to bebo students may choose an image for example this image below which most people see as peace or thats the context they view it in. However this may lead the student to becoming naive as in different cultures this can be viewed as warmonger where the presidents used as a sign of victory. Students need to become aware and taught the codes. Although students may be taking that design and re using it they must be aware of exsiting signs. They must be asked the questions what does this represent? How may i use it in a different context to make meaning.
Steps to designing and creating a bebo page
As you can by this users bebo page. They have inserted a picture of themselves and above given them selves a name that represents them. WIth design words can have meaning like images. For example if i was too look at the name i could create my self an image in my head of what the person may look like or consider them selves to be. When reading words not every one may get the same image as every body sees things differently. Also when creating your bebo page you choose a skin which is basically a background. When choosing a background the user generally chooses one that relates to them. For example you may choose a skin that is pink and has a lot of spark to it as this is what kind of person you see your slef to be. This girl above has chosen a quote and this may represent her down. Words and images are very powerful and students need to become aware of this but they all have different meaning and contexts to every one.
The next step of creating your page is to invite friends to join their profile and share their page of exciting things about themselves. Every friend will have a different bebo page and this gives the users to view other peoples designs and they way they set things up. A user may visit a page and disciver a new page element they may like to add their design. Users may copy this and add to their page, this is not seen to be copying as they creating a new reason and may adapt it to fit with their page. The same deal goes with the skin ten different poeple may have the same skin as you but the way you use it or see it may give it a new identity. As a friend you are able to drew on what is called a white board, from doing this students are becoming more creative and innovative with the way they use the paint brush. For some one who hasnt done alot of painting on ICT may find this difficult at first but that is the way for every one. Students can become teachers of themselves in doing this type of design. In a classroom the teacher may like to use the white board as an activity to develop on students skills as they may use this type of design drewing in presentations and on book work. The deisgn concpet of bebo could be a good way to use in the classroom in a all about me project. Through powerful images and words students will be able to create a profile that has meaning and represents them as the way the other students may view them.
Students within their on bebo website can always add photos to their design. Within the design elements in bebo you are basically the designer of your page and chooose what u wish to choose to a point.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Literacy and design and are co- in sided togther. We need to teach our children about the rules, codes and exsisting ideas and ask them questions to get them crtically thinking about it this is the passive side of things. On the other side it active, children need to me taught how to adapt, become creative and the big mian one is re use a design to make it meaning and ourposeful to them by adding elements that reflect them.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Does bebo have the effect to enhance childrens design skills
Through researching on the internet i came upon a question which was; What kinds of literacies does blogging enhance? This is a fantastic question as it enables pople to think that yes there are postive outcomes from creating a blog such as bebo. In answer to this question I found that by using blogging it can enhance stronger skills in visual literacy [and] media literacy, for starters. Changes in reading and writing—not just the texting phenomenon, but fluency rates, information sorting, and evaluating happen, too. This are many postive attibutes to blogging that can have a postive effect to students learning within their learning.
I looked further into the design concept and by having stduents learn how to build a blog it teaches them necessary design and conceptual abilities that can transfer to art, photography, graphic design, writing, and other contemporary information-manipulation strategies. Blog building also helps students understand how technology works from the ground up. This is important in todays society as we are becoming a more technology literate society. Students need to become aware of the new ways in which to share their creativity with using bebo students are able to use things such as choosing a colour scheme to display their blogs on, decide on the layout, learn how to drew by using paint brush. Within bebo students are able to choose their own skins, layout, able to drew and leave on other poeples whiteboard, which shows poeples design skills and once used more than once students "tacit" knowledge this also applys for the other design components.